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The project was conceived to remove plastic waste from the coastal environment and reduce future deposits of plastic waste from Cyprus land sources to the ocean, through awareness raising and tangible actions.

Simultaneous beach cleans were held in both communities of Cyprus and these were promoted in solidarity through joint social media posts.

Enalia Physis created two videos about plastic targeting consumers on the way that it is suffocating marine life while applying the same concept to humans.

While SPOT created an animation targeting industry and decision makers about polypropylene mesh sack materials used in industry; products which SPOT have found to be a main contributor to debilitating and lethal sea turtle entanglements.

A joint event was held at the Home for Cooperation which is a space in the UN buffer zone where citizens from both communities are encouraged to convene. Presentations were given by the two partners together on marine plastics, the threat posed to biodiversity and ultimately to humanity, and our joint and independent research. This event was really well attended and the venue was at full capacity.

We also made a number of joint social media releases on the issue of marine plastic in Cyprus.

Although this was only a small grant, the joint actions have gone a long way and a key result has been the collaboration of people form across the two communities of Cyprus with the single goal of dealing with an environmental problem which effects all of humanity.


Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre

Society for Protection of Turtles (SPOT)


Embassy of the Netherlands: Orange Tulip Fund

© 2023 Society for the Protection of Turtles