Deniz Kaplumbağalarını Koruma Projesi (MTCP) Akdeniz’deki en iyi bilinen kaplumbağa koruma projelerinden biridir. MTCP bunun yanında Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki en uzun süreli çalışma gerçekleştiren kaplumbağa koruma projesidir ve hem İngiltere’deki Exeter Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Ekoloji ve Koruma Merkeziile hem de KKTC Çevre Koruma Dairesi ile çalışmakta.
Proje deniz kaplumbağaları ile ilgili önemli çalışmalar yürüterek, deniz kaplumbağalarının küresel olarak korunmalarına katkı koyuyor. Projemiz gönüllüleri kaplumbağaları adamızda yüyüze geldikleri tehditlere karşı korurken, derneğimiz gerçekleştirdikleri uluslar arası işbirlikleri ile Akdeniz genelindeki kaplumbağaları da korumakta.
Projemize katılmak isteyen çok fazla kişi olduğundan başvuru yapan herkesi kabul edemiyoruz. Bu nedenle formu elinizden geldiğince detaylı ve heyecanınızı yansıtacak şekilde doldurdurmanızı rica ederiz.
Saha çalışması zor koşullar altında gerçekleştirilir ve özveri, emek ve enerji ile yapılması gereken bir iştir. Bunun yanında, projemizde yer alan ve bizimle minimum iki hafta çalışan yerli gönüllülerimiz uluslar arası birbirinden iyi bilim insanları ve bilim dalında eğitim gören diğer gönüllülerle çalışma fırsatı yakalayıp, dil geliştirme fırsatı bulmanın yanında, bit ömür unutmayacakları bir deneyim yaşayacaklar. Gönüllülükleri sonunda da CV’lerine ekleyebilecekleri, uluslar arası prestijli bir projeden aldıkları bir referansları olacak.
MTCP is one of the best established sea turtle conservation projects in the Mediterranean and is the longest running in North Cyprus. Working in partnership with the UK’s Centre for Ecology and Conservation at University of Exeter and the TRNC Department for Environmental Protection. The project undertakes important research on sea turtles, contributing to the global knowledge of these endangered species. Not only does our project benefit sea turtles in Northern Cyprus where our volunteers protect them from local threats, but across the Mediterranean, through established international partnerships.
Placements can be competitive, and the field work can be tough, but our local volunteers have opportunity to work alongside top international biology students and scientists and take away a fantastic experience that they will remember all their lives as well as a great reference on their CV from a prestigious international project.
Volunteers patrol the main study beaches at Alagadi throughout each night, every 10 minutes, from late May through mid-September. Upon encountering a female, she is observed by a group of volunteers to record whether she is nesting, attempting to nest or retreating to the sea. Upon nesting the turtle’s carapace length and width are measured along with the pattern and amount of scutes on the shell and she is checked for and fitted with identification tags. The nesting behaviour is observed and the number of body pits and egg chambers attempted are also recorded. She may also be fitted with a satellite transmitter or datalogger. Volunteers place a temperature data logging device into the nest and will place a flat mesh cage on top to help protect against predation by dogs and foxes which habitually dig down to nests when they encounter them. Lastly a dome cage is placed on the top of the nest, to warn visitors using the beach. From mid-July to end of September these nests are checked on every night at regular intervals to ensure they have not been predated and to work with hatchlings, a sample of which are measured and weighed prior to release.
Excavation provides data that allows us to gauge the success of the nest and often to unearth some hatchlings that may not have survived otherwise. Excavations are undertaken during early morning or late afternoon. Certain nests are excavated publicly with tourists and locals. At these public events we also raise funds through donations to finance the continuation of the project.
A release is an educational public event where a number of members of the public can release hatchling turtles under the supervision of the volunteers, on the beach, shortly after dark. These are very popular events and are excellent at raising the profile of turtle conservation, particularly with children, who may be allowed to name, hold and release a hatchling, which is an unforgettable experience.
From Alagadi and the West Coast base groups of up to four volunteers patrol set beaches every morning, starting at sunrise. Depending on how much activity is encountered a typical day can be as short as 4 hours or much longer, perhaps returning to base close to night-fall. Much ground is covered during this work and volunteers are rotated each week so that most volunteers get to experience all aspects of turtle conservation. During day work nests are located and screened to reduce predation rates and later are excavated to analyse success and to release any remaining hatchlings.
Volunteers also deal with stranded and injured turtles, elasmobranchs and marine mammals. Dead turtles are processed at our post-mortem facility and there may be opportunity to observe necropsy and data collection from stranded animals.
Since 1992 a marine turtle conservation and monitoring project has been conducted on the beaches of Northern Cyprus. Here the endangered green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtles nest. This is a very well established project conducting excellent research and providing invaluable experience for under-graduate students ( and Each year self-funded volunteers work on this project. This project is carried out in the northern part of the island inhabited by Turkish Cypriots. They are an incredibly friendly nation and it is an extremely safe place to stay.
The project is a collaboration between the University of Exeter’s Marine Turtle Research group (MTRG) which has established and collaborated with numerous monitoring and research projects around the world, and the Society for the Protection of Turtles in Northern Cyprus (SPOT). The project is managed in strong collaboration with the TRNC Department for Environmental Protection.
The project is led by Meryem Özkan under the guidance of Prof. Annette Broderick, Prof. Brendan Godley, Dr. Robin Snape, Dr. Damla Beton and the chair of SPOT Kutlay Keço.
We are looking for volunteers that do not mind sleeping in basic accommodation. You must be able to get on well with other people and also be prepared to cook and clean. You do not have to be a science student, however, all volunteers should have a basic knowledge of marine turtle biology and the research findings of the project by the time they come out to Cyprus (for a list of publications please click here). In addition, knowledge of Turkish would be invaluable. You should expect to be walking up to 10km a day/night in temperatures of 30-40 °C. All volunteers must be happy to look after themselves and each other, working as a team to ensure efficient work and maintain high standards not just in science and conservation, but domestically too!
If your application is successful and you are offered a place on the project you will also be required to fill out a medical questionnaire. This information is confidential and in no way affects your offer of a place. This information will only be available to the project staff listed above so that they are aware of any allergies or conditions you have prior to your arrival in Cyprus. Project staff may wish to discuss how you will cope with a medical condition when in Cyprus.
Volunteers are asked to contribute £850. This covers all costs for a 4-8 week stay (longer positions may be negotiated case by case); food, accommodation and transport in Cyprus including airport transfer. In addition, this money helps to finance the involvement of local students. This does NOT include travel to Cyprus or travel insurance, which must be arranged by each individual. Copies of insurance documents must be provided before arrival. You are welcome to attempt to raise your personal contribution from fund-raising events or sponsorship. It is also worth contacting your University to explore the possibility of Erasmus funding. Turkish Cypriot citizens will not be asked to contribute financially for their placement, but are welcome to make a contribution.
The project runs from April 25th until October 5th. Please make it clear on your application form between which dates you are available. You may have a greater chance of being selected if you are available for periods including late April to early June or from late September to early October, since competition for places is lower during university term-time.
Our accommodation at Alagadi consists of a field base, (two small houses, toilet blocks, an information room and a separate office, lab and storage space) 250m from our main nesting beach, and has running water and electricity. You must be prepared to share a mixed sex dorm with up to 10 others. In addition, we have a base on the west coast of the island where 4 to 6 personnel are rotated. Here volunteers use three porta-cabin buildings.
There is no upper age restriction. Volunteers travelling from overseas must be 18 or over. Volunteers from North Cyprus must be at least 16 years old but will require parents/guardians to complete a written consent form.